Aizome is a Japanese name for indigo dyeing, which is a plant dyeing and the oldest dyeing technique of Japan. Aizome remains in the treasures of Shosoin (the treasure house of Todaiji temple in Nara prefecture).The oldest Aizome cloth of extant was found in a pyramid of Egypt, and it is said that the cloth was dyed in 4000 – 5000 years ago. We can learn the Aizome technique has been used since ancient times from this founding.
In Japan, Aizome has more than 1000 years of history, and it is written in “The Tale of Genji.” In Heian period, the technique was almost accomplished, and spread through the country in Kamakura period. Then, the Japanese original Aizome culture came into bloom in Edo period.
In Europe, the color of Aizome is called “Japan blue.” And in United States the color was named “Hiroshige blue” connected with the color of bright sky and ocean of Hiroshige Ando (the ukiyo-e artist, and also referred to as Utagawa Hiroshige). Now it is the representative color of Japan. It can be said that Ai is the color of Japan, has no time barrier.